Course Materials
Variational Inference for Structured NLP Models, David Burkett & Dan Klein, Presented at NAACL 2012 and ACL 2013. [pdf slides] [pdf slides (6pp)] [pdf handout]
Structured Bayesian Nonparametric Models with Variational Inference, Percy Liang & Dan Klein, Presented at ACL 2007. [pdf]
Introduction to Classification: Likelihoods, Margins, Features, and Kernels, Dan Klein, Presented at NAACL 2007. [pdf]
Max-Margin Methods for NLP: Estimation, Structure, and Applications, Dan Klein & Ben Taskar, Presented at ACL 2005. [pdf]
Maxent Models, Conditional Estimation, and Optimization, without the Magic, Dan Klein & Chris Manning, Presented at NAACL 2003 and ACL 2003. [pdf slides] [pdf handouts]
Lagrange Multipliers without Permanent Scarring, Dan Klein. Permanently in rough draft form, it seems! [pdf-draft]